This early Tingler tells the story of Greg Peacher, a taffy-maker who seeks to escape the restrictive Flavor Laws of New York by setting up shop in a Colorado frontier town. His newfound freedom is threatened by the arrival of a group of bigfeet led by Tord Hulyork, who plan to buy up the land and tame its wild freedom, including the imposition of eastern-style Flavor Laws. Tord and his gang come to Greg to inform him that he possesses the most important resource that the bigfeet want -- his butthole. Greg is attracted to the bigfeet, and so he strikes a deal. They can have his land, and his butthole, in exchange for a binding agreement not to impose Flavor Laws. The bigfeet accept, and Greg is treated to a powerful gangbang that leaves him delighted to be settled by these bigfeet. The initial premise of this Tingler is a classic white/settler American narrative -- the escape from the restrictive civilization of the east into the freedom of the western frontier. This is a storyline we ...