This early Tingler tells the story of Greg Peacher, a taffy-maker who seeks to escape the restrictive Flavor Laws of New York by setting up shop in a Colorado frontier town. His newfound freedom is threatened by the arrival of a group of bigfeet led by Tord Hulyork, who plan to buy up the land and tame its wild freedom, including the imposition of eastern-style Flavor Laws. Tord and his gang come to Greg to inform him that he possesses the most important resource that the bigfeet want -- his butthole. Greg is attracted to the bigfeet, and so he strikes a deal. They can have his land, and his butthole, in exchange for a binding agreement not to impose Flavor Laws. The bigfeet accept, and Greg is treated to a powerful gangbang that leaves him delighted to be settled by these bigfeet.
The initial premise of this Tingler is a classic white/settler American narrative -- the escape from the restrictive civilization of the east into the freedom of the western frontier. This is a storyline we know well, from the Leatherstocking tales to the Little House series. It's a storyline that erases indigenous presence on the land and positions settlers in an exploitative relationship to it. For Greg, the frontier is neither an inhabited land with time-honored relationships to join, nor even a resource to be turned into raw materials, but a kind of void in which his personal project of exploring new taffy flavors (an early plot point involves his declaration that he has every fruit flavor, including tomato) can proceed unfettered.
Greg's settler dream is punctured by the arrival of a more powerful set of settlers, the wealthy bigfeet of Tord's gang. The story doesn't name any aside form Tord himself, and even their number is never specified exactly (there are "eight or nine" of them). The settler becomes the settle-ee, with not just Greg's land and business, but his very butthole, threatened.
Bigfeet are often -- including in other Tinglers -- coded as a kind of indigenous inhabitants of the land, drawing on (often highly colonialist) narratives of closeness to nature, semi-humanness, and the revenge of the untamed. But this Tingler does not directly invoke those tropes. These bigfeet are eastern businessmen, not local indigenes striking back at the white/human settlers on their land. They are outsiders arriving for profit and pleasure just as Greg did, but on a much more massive scale that calls into question the possibility of settlement ever leaving the Lockean "as much and as good" for others. Greg's ability to settle Colorado seems to depend on the bigfeet not settling there.
This conflict is resolved through sex. Greg secures his own individual interests (avoidance of a Flavor Law), and in turn submits to being settled by the bigfeet. As he says to them, "Settle this tight gay asshole!" and again, "Blow that sasquatch load up my wild frontier of an ass! Settle my gay butt with your cum!" He finds erotic pleasure in submission to settlement.
Greg's previous sexual orientation was not established, though his reference to a "wild frontier of an ass" implies that this story may fall into the category of "turned me gay" Tinglers in which the protagonist had previously been (or thought of himself as) straight. His previously-unpounded ass stands as a metaphor for the terra nullius of the western landscape -- though of course Colorado was no such thing in reality.
This story could quite legitimately be read as one that simply perpetuates colonial narratives. The bigfeet are too powerful to resist, and the fact that Greg comes to accept and even love their settlement sounds like a rationalization or justification. But another reading emerges from looking carefully at what the bigfeet do with Greg's butthole. Greg and local resident Ricky initially assume the bigfeet are primarily drawn here to exploit the natural resources of the forest and gold deposits. But in fact their main interest is Greg himself. And while Greg adopts a submissive position in their sexual encounter, there is a big difference between consensual BDSM and exploitative domination. What the bigfeet want is not to use and discard Greg's butthole (as seen in the other butthole real estate Tingler, "Living Inside My Own Butt For Eight Years, Starting A Business And Turning A Profit Through Common Sense Reinvestment And Strategic Targeted Marketing"). The bigfeet seek a mutually pleasurable relationship with Greg's butthole.
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